Step 1- Login to your Plesk panel
Step 2- Go to Websites & Domains and click FTP Access.
Step 3- Click Add FTP Account.
Step 4- Specify the following:
o- FTP account name: what do you want the login to be? (Required field)
o-Home Directory: this will be the highest directory they will have access to. By default, they have access to/for the Subscription. Do note they will have access to everything below this point. (Required Field)
o- Password and Confirm password: type in what the FTP password should be for this user. (Required Fields)
o- Hard disk quota: the amount of disk space on the server that the FTP user can occupy.
o- Read permission: to allow the FTP user to view the home directory contents and download files from it, select the Read permission checkbox.
o- Write permission: to allow the FTP user to create, view, rename and delete directories in the home directory, select the Write permission checkbox.
Step 5-Then click on the OK button, and the new FTP user will be created.